............................ ᕙ( •̀ ᗜ •́ )ᕗ !?╰┈➤ hii~ i’m leena !! i go by she/her pronouns and i speak eng/idn!Currently writing a novel called 'Maroon'!

Love Wins All


1:07 ————◦———————— -4:31

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byf !!⚠️

- interact a lot + use pet names, lmk if u're not comf !!
- sometimes rlly active, sometimes gone whoops

DNI !!🛑

- homophobes (its fine if you don't support, don't hate tho!)
- haters (to my friends) big dni !!

animes !! and vtubers!
(nana, jjk, & kmsm kiss)

romantic poetries!
(sonnets and odes)

fantasy novels hehe
(cruel prince, pjo, etc!)

Feel free to follow (or if u want moots!) ✮⋆˙↪ insta: @m4tcha.052
↪ twitter: @anth0phile_
↪ tiktok: @telorbebeqasin
↪ tumblr: lowkonsomething
↪ ao3: @azale4snlilies_